This tool helps you easily manage your wallpapers and allows you to change them as frequently as you wish. ESCO Wallpaper Changer will install itself in your computer’s Control Panel, and can be accessed through the Display Properties icon. This tool makes it easier for you to add or remove pictures in your wallpapers collection, along with an option to filter images by type.
This application supports various image formats, including ICO and WMF, which are not usually accepted by the Display Properties dialog. You can also make your task bar look transparent by changing a few settings in this application (as long as you are using XP or Windows 2000). You can even grab photos from a digital camera or add scanned images to create new wallpapers. You also have the possibility of changing the wallpaper at regular intervals or on specific actions (startup, logon, etc.).
This application is available in Russian and English and it is compatible with most of the Windows operating systems, except for Vista and Windows 7. Some of the changes applied with this program will require computer restart before the changes can be seen.